The right telescope for the job
In order to detect electromagnetic radiation emitted by the universe, science and technology have provided instruments – telescopes of various kinds – which are extremely precise. What types of telescopes are there?
In your electromagnetic radiation diagram from Task 1 add the following:
examples of the types of telescopes used to detect the different types of radiation. Take a look at NASA’s Astronomer's Toolbox website for help.
examples of the images captured by the different types of telescopes. IPAC’s Multiwavelength Astronomy Gallery has some great examples.
Be sure to acknowledge any sources you use when collecting images.
Why are various types of telescopes placed in different geographical and space locations? How does the type of electromagnetic radiation the telescope is trying to detect affect where to locate the telescope?
Examine Wikipedia’s diagram of EM spectrum Properties.
Look at the top bar – Penetrates Earth’s Atmosphere? This indicates which types of electromagnetic radiation can or cannot penetrate the earth’s atmosphere.
Although the diagram indicates that ultraviolet light does not penetrate the atmosphere, it actually does but in extremely small amounts compared to other types of radiation.