Using data to plot and predicts trends
Using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, plot any trends in the data over time in an appropriately chosen graph format (eg line graph, pie chart). You should complete graphs for the following factors:
household composition
family composition
labour force status
other factors relevant to your community (eg Indigenous status, country of birth).
Discuss the following questions with your class or group:
Based on your identification of trends, what do you predict for the future of your community in these areas?
What can your community do to plan for this future and enhance liveability? For example, if the population under 15 is growing, your community may need to build more schools. If the number of new migrants is increasing, your community may need services to support people settling in. If the population of your community is stable, you may decide that improvements can be made in other areas, like improving environmental quality, social connectedness or community identity.
It will be easier to create your graph if you create a new worksheet or file for each factor.
Think about what the numbers mean. Is the proportion of migrants increasing? Is the number of single-parent family households decreasing? Choose a graph type that best conveys this meaning.
The website Create a Graph has a tutorial to help you decide which graph is the best to use for your data.
To help understand how your community is changing, add text to your spreadsheet summarising the most important changes in data over time.