Syllabus links
This resource is designed for use with the Stage 4 content of the Geography K–10 syllabus.
A student:
- locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments (GE4-1)
- explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change (GE4-3)
- examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues (GE4-4)
- explains differences in human wellbeing (GE4-6)
- acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry (GE4-7)
- communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies (GE4-8)
- investigate factors influencing perceptions of the liveability of places, for example:
- examination of environmental factors that influence perceptions of liveability eg climate, landforms, natural resources
- discussion of human factors that influence perceptions of liveability eg culture, income, employment, crime and safety
- explanation of ways used to measure, assess or rank the liveability of places eg surveys, liveability index
- development of personal liveability criteria and application to a local place
- investigate the influence of accessibility to services and facilities on the liveability of places, for example:
- identification of services and facilities considered important to people’s wellbeing
- examination of variations in access to services and facilities between urban, rural and remote places
- explanation of how limited access to services and facilities affects the liveability of ONE place for different groups of people eg young people, people with disabilities, the aged, rural and remote communities
- investigate the impact of environmental quality on the liveability of places, for example:
- discussion of factors that reduce environmental quality eg natural hazard, conflict, population pressures, land degradation
- comparison of the impact of environmental quality on the liveability of places across a range of scales eg local neighbourhoods, large cities, countries
- investigate the influence of social connectedness and community identity on the liveability of places, for example:
- identification of the characteristics of places that influence community identity eg culture, environment, public events, religious beliefs
- discussion of factors that enhance social connectedness eg transport, technology, open spaces, meeting places, employment
- investigate strategies used to enhance the liveability of places using examples from different countries, for example:
- identification of the characteristics of places considered highly liveable
- examination of a range of strategies used to enhance liveability
- assessment of the role of governments, non-government organisations, communities and individuals in enhancing liveability
- proposal of strategies to improve the liveability of a place in Australia