Syllabus links for Sites2See: Earthquakes
Stage 3 Earth and Space
A student explains rapid change at the Earth’s surface caused by natural events, using evidence provided by advances in technology and scientific understanding. (ST3-9ES)
Sudden geological changes or extreme weather conditions can affect Earth's surface.
- describe using examples how natural geological events cause rapid changes to the Earth's surface, eg earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or tsunamis in the Asian region or throughout the world
- research how some discoveries or inventions have increased scientific knowledge and provided evidence about natural events that cause rapid changes at the Earth's surface
- identify ways that advances in science and technology have assisted people to plan for and manage natural disasters to minimise their effects, eg detection systems for tsunamis, floods and bush fires
Stage 5 Earth and Space
A student explains how scientific knowledge about global patterns of geological activity and interactions involving global systems can be used to inform decisions related to contemporary issues. (ST5-13ES)
ES2 The theory of plate tectonics explains global patterns of geological activity and continental movement.
- outline how the theory of plate tectonics changed ideas about the structure of the Earth and continental movement over geological time
- relate movements of the Earth's plates to mantle convection currents and gravitational forces
- outline how the theory of plate tectonics explains earthquakes, volcanic activity and formation of new landforms
- describe how some technological developments have increased scientific understanding of global patterns in geological activity, including in the Asia-Pacific region
ES3 People use scientific knowledge to evaluate claims, explanations or predictions in relation to interactions involving the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere.
- describe some impacts of natural events, including cyclones, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes, on the Earth's spheres
- discuss the reasons different groups in society may use or weight criteria differently to evaluate claims, explanations or predictions in making decisions about contemporary issues involving interactions of the Earth's spheres
Stage 4 Landscapes and Landforms
A student:
- locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments (GE4-1)
- describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environments (GE4-2)
- examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues(GE4-4)
- discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability (GE4-5)
- acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry (GE4-7)
- lcommunicates geographical information using a variety of strategies (GE4-8)
Landscapes and landforms
- investigate different landscape and the geomorphic processes that create distinctive landforms, for example:
- identification of a variety of landscapes and landforms
- iexplanation of geomorphic processes that create landforms eg weathering, erosion, deposition, tectonic activity
- examination of ONE landscape and its distinctive landforms
Geomorphic hazard
- investigate ONE contemporary geomorphic hazard including causes, impacts and responses, for example:
- description of the spatial distribution of the disaster
- explanation of geomorphic processes causing the disaster and its impacts
- examination of the responses of individuals, groups and government to the impact of the disaster
- discussion of management strategies to reduce the future impact of similar natural hazard events including the role of technology in monitoring and predicting geomorphic hazards