NSW Government Education and Communities Sites2See

Spreadsheets for mathematics

Integrating spreadsheets in teaching and learning

Try this spreadsheet (.xls 294kB) (.xls 294 kB) activity from The Financial Wizard’s Apprentice.

Screenshot of spreadsheet data, linked to spreadsheet sample from The Financial Wizard’s Apprentice

Compare the total cost of three different loans and explore repayment options on a reducing balance loan.

Getting started

Like to harness the power of spreadsheets in class? Start with tutorials and exemplars from the Quality Teacher Programme. In Survey this, students can use formulas and formatting to record weekly shopping and graph methods of transport to school; in Go figure, they can graph time and travel distances.

Tools4U icon linked to resource

Use a one page teacher guide from CLI for using Microsoft Excel in the classroom.

Banner showing images from CLI resouces, linked to resource information

See also Spreadsheets for Science.

Research and benefits

Find a summary of potential benefits of spreadsheet use (.pdf 196 kB) and a review of research. Read this edition of the Australian Mathematical Society’s Classroom notes (.pdf 213 kB) series, which offer suggestions for using spreadsheets in class. Spreadsheets in Education is a free online journal with research articles on spreadsheet use and practical classroom resources.

Other resources

MI.Stupid.com has a collection of video tutorials of common tasks in Microsoft Excel. The NSW Board of Studies site has a set of five Excel spreadsheets for use in the General Mathematics course. The Australian Bureau of Statistics site is an excellent source of real data sets.

Find more mathematics resources from CLI.

Image of a house, phone and bowser, linked to resource

Sites2See: Applied Mathematics has helpful links for the six Focus Studies of communication, driving, design, household finance, the human body and personal resource usage

Financial Mathematics image linked to resource

In The Financial wizard’s apprentice Stage 6 students begin an ‘apprenticeship’ and advise a client on a range of financial matters.

See also Sites2See: Money skills.

3D pie graph from Active data, linked to resource

Active data (DET logon needed) supports learning about various applications of Data analysis in Mathematics (Stages 4–6) and Presenting information for Science (Stage 4 and 5).

Teacher-suggested links on del.icio.us

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